80 Powerful Ruby Bridges Quotes And Sayings In 2024 (2024)

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80 Powerful Ruby Bridges Quotes And Sayings In 2024 (1)

Ruby Bridges, a symbol of courage and resilience, emerged as a pivotal figure in the American Civil Rights Movement during the 1960s. Born on September 8, 1954, in Tylertown, Mississippi, Bridges became the first African American child to desegregate the all-white William Frantz Elementary School in New Orleans at the tender age of six. Her remarkable journey was not only a personal triumph but also a significant milestone in the ongoing struggle for racial equality.

Throughout her life, Ruby Bridges has shared her experiences and insights, offering a unique perspective on the challenges of breaking down racial barriers and fostering inclusivity. Her powerful words resonate with wisdom, compassion, and a profound understanding of the human spirit.

In this collection of Ruby Bridges quotes, we delve into her inspiring thoughts that continue to inspire and motivate generations to strive for justice, equality, and unity. From her early days as a trailblazing student to her later years as an advocate for education and civil rights, Bridges’ quotes encapsulate the spirit of perseverance and the belief that positive change is possible, even in the face of adversity.

Join us on a journey through the profound words of Ruby Bridges, as we explore the enduring impact of her courageous stand against segregation and her commitment to building a better, more inclusive world.

Table of Contents

Ruby Bridges Quotes

  • “Don’t follow the path. Blaze the trail.” – Ruby Bridges
  • “The lesson I learned from the civil rights movement is that love is stronger than hate.” – Ruby Bridges
  • “Change is never easy, but always possible.” – Ruby Bridges
  • “Ignorance and prejudice are the enemies of understanding.” – Ruby Bridges
  • “I believe that racism is a learned behavior, and anything that is learned can be unlearned.” – Ruby Bridges
  • “It’s not about the color of your skin; it’s about the content of your character.” – Ruby Bridges
  • “The price of freedom is love.” – Ruby Bridges
  • “Courage is not the absence of fear but the triumph over it.” – Ruby Bridges
  • “Every child deserves a champion; an adult who will never give up on them.” – Ruby Bridges
  • “Be the person who breaks the cycle. If you were judged, choose understanding. If you were rejected, choose acceptance.” – Ruby Bridges
80 Powerful Ruby Bridges Quotes And Sayings In 2024 (2)
  • “I may be young, but I’m not naive. I know what’s happening, and I know why.” – Ruby Bridges
  • “The future belongs to those who prepare for it today.” – Ruby Bridges
  • “Don’t let fear decide your future.” – Ruby Bridges
  • “Education is the key to unlocking the golden door of freedom.” – Ruby Bridges
  • “Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see.” – Ruby Bridges
  • “When you believe in yourself and the people around you, anything is possible.” – Ruby Bridges
  • “Hatred and bitterness can never cure the disease of fear; only love can do that.” – Ruby Bridges
  • “It takes one person to stand up and say, ‘Enough is enough.’ I chose to be that person.” – Ruby Bridges
  • “In order to make a difference, you have to be different.” – Ruby Bridges
  • “I am the symbol of change, and I am proud of it.” – Ruby Bridges

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Ruby Bridges Quotes As A Child

  • “I don’t want to go to school with those mean people. But Mama says it’s the right thing to do.”
  • “Sometimes I’m scared, but I just keep walking.”
  • “I don’t understand why they hate me. I just want to learn.”
  • “My teacher says we all have to be kind to each other, no matter what.”
  • “I wish I could play with the other kids at recess.”
  • “I’m just a little girl, why do they treat me like this?”
  • “I know my rights, even if I’m just a child.”
  • “I don’t feel welcome here, but I’ll keep coming anyway.”
  • “Even when they yell, I try to smile.”
  • “My faith helps me be brave.”
80 Powerful Ruby Bridges Quotes And Sayings In 2024 (3)
  • “I pray for those who are unkind to me.”
  • “I believe in the future, where everyone can go to school together.”
  • “I want to make my parents proud.”
  • “Even if it’s hard, I’ll keep going because education is important.”
  • “I’m not alone; there are others who support me.”
  • “I hope one day everyone will see that we’re all the same inside.”
  • “Every step I take is a step towards change.”
  • “My dreams are bigger than their hate.”
  • “I’ll be a pioneer, so others won’t have to face what I do.”
  • “Love is stronger than fear.”

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Ruby Bridges Quotes And Sayings

  • “When you start a fight, you don’t always know where it’s going to end.”
  • “The greatest lesson I learned from my mother was dignity.”
  • “Don’t follow the path. Go where there is no path and begin the trail.”
  • “I now know that experience comes from education and not the other way around.”
  • “Racism is a grown-up disease and we must stop using our children to spread it.”
  • “I think racism is a grown-up disease, and we should stop using our kids to spread it.”
  • “Each and every one of us is born with a clean heart. Our babies know nothing about hate or racism. But soon they begin to learn – and only from us. We keep racism alive. We pass it on to our children. We owe it to our children to help them keep their clean start.”
  • “It’s sad that the word ‘racism’ even exists.”
  • “I’ve learned that you have to decide who you are and not let other people decide for you.”
  • “I now know that experience comes from education and not the other way around.”
80 Powerful Ruby Bridges Quotes And Sayings In 2024 (4)
  • “Racism is a grown-up disease and we must stop using our children to spread it.”
  • “I’ve learned that you have to decide who you are and not let other people decide for you.”
  • “If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude.”
  • “I’m the new kid on the block. I’m going to change the block.”
  • “I am convinced that the only way to get racist people to change is to throw love at them.”
  • “Don’t follow the path. Go where there is no path and begin the trail.”
  • “I believe the only way to change things is to be peaceful.”
  • “I think that every single one of us, as we grow older, learns to hate. And it doesn’t matter if you’re black or white, because hatred comes from the heart.”
  • “We all have our own stories to tell, but until we listen, we won’t learn.”
  • “I am the great-granddaughter of slaves, and I was the one who was supposed to break the chain of slavery. It was a heavy load, but I was prepared to carry it.”

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Ruby BridgesLife Lesson

  • Courage in the Face of Adversity: Ruby Bridges teaches us that courage is not the absence of fear but the triumph over it. Despite facing tremendous adversity, she showed remarkable courage.
  • Power of Education: One of the life lessons from Ruby Bridges is the transformative power of education. She emphasized the importance of learning as a key to personal growth and societal change.
  • Resilience in the Face of Hate: Ruby Bridges’ life teaches us about resilience. Despite facing hatred and prejudice, she remained resilient and focused on her goals, paving the way for future generations.
  • Breaking Barriers: Ruby Bridges shattered racial barriers by becoming the first African American child to attend an all-white elementary school in the South. Her life encourages us to challenge and break down societal barriers.
  • The Role of Family Support: Bridges’ story highlights the significance of family support during challenging times. Her family played a crucial role in providing emotional strength and encouragement.
  • The Impact of a Single Individual: Ruby Bridges teaches us that one person can make a significant impact on society. Her bravery and determination sparked positive change in the civil rights movement.
  • Persistence Pays Off: Bridges’ journey emphasizes the importance of persistence. Despite facing numerous challenges, she persisted in her pursuit of education and equality.
  • Choose Love Over Hate: In the face of racism and discrimination, Ruby Bridges chose love over hate. Her life lesson inspires us to respond to adversity with love and understanding.
  • Equality for All: Bridges’ life advocates for the belief that everyone, regardless of race, deserves equal rights and opportunities. Her story promotes the idea of a truly inclusive society.
  • The Importance of Tolerance: Ruby Bridges’ life lesson teaches us the value of tolerance. She endured intolerance but responded with grace and a commitment to positive change.
80 Powerful Ruby Bridges Quotes And Sayings In 2024 (5)
  • Lead by Example: Bridges demonstrated that true leadership comes from leading by example. Her actions spoke louder than words and inspired others to follow in her footsteps.
  • Stand Up for What’s Right: Ruby Bridges teaches us the importance of standing up for what is right, even when it’s difficult. Her courage and determination set an example for future activists.
  • Be a Trailblazer: Bridges’ life lesson encourages us to be trailblazers in our own lives, challenging norms and paving the way for a more inclusive and just society.
  • Facing Fear Head-On: Ruby Bridges faced fear head-on and proved that it’s possible to overcome even the most daunting challenges through resilience and determination.
  • Embrace Diversity: Bridges’ life lesson promotes the idea of embracing diversity and recognizing the beauty in our differences rather than letting them divide us.
  • Forgiveness and Healing: Despite the hostility she faced, Bridges’ story teaches us about the power of forgiveness and the potential for healing and reconciliation.
  • Believe in Yourself: Ruby Bridges’ life lesson emphasizes the importance of self-belief. Despite being a young girl, she believed in her ability to make a difference.
  • Never Underestimate the Power of a Child: Bridges’ journey reminds us never to underestimate the power of a child to bring about positive change. Children can be catalysts for societal transformation.
  • Advocacy for Social Justice: Ruby Bridges‘ life is a lesson in advocacy for social justice. Her story encourages us to actively participate in creating a more just and equitable world.
  • Persevere Through Challenges: Bridges’ life teaches us to persevere through challenges. Her story is a testament to the strength that can be found in perseverance, even in the face of immense adversity.


In the tapestry of civil rights history, Ruby Bridges stands as a resilient thread, weaving a narrative of courage and determination. The quotes attributed to her encapsulate the essence of her remarkable journey, serving as beacons of inspiration for those navigating their own paths toward justice and equality.

As we reflect on the wisdom embedded in Ruby Bridges’ words, it becomes evident that her experiences transcend the specific era in which she made history. Her insights into the human capacity for compassion, understanding, and resilience echo through time, reminding us that the struggle for justice is ongoing and that each individual can contribute to positive change.

Ruby Bridges’ quotes not only commemorate her personal triumph over segregation but also challenge us to confront the injustices that persist in our society. They encourage us to embrace diversity, foster empathy, and champion education as a powerful tool for societal transformation.

80 Powerful Ruby Bridges Quotes And Sayings In 2024 (6)

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80 Powerful Ruby Bridges Quotes And Sayings In 2024 (2024)


What was a powerful quote from Ruby Bridges? ›

One famous quote by Ruby Bridges was from a speech given at the dedication of her new Ruby Bridges Foundation ceremony. She said, "Racism is a grownup disease. Let's stop using kids to spread it."

What was Ruby Bridges message? ›

Ruby's messages of tolerance and mutual respect are so urgent right now. Equal access to a quality education for all children remains the unfinished business of the Civil Rights Movement and the nation. Our country must wake up and stop the backwards slide away from fair treatment for poor and non-White children.

What happened to Ruby Bridges in 1995? ›

In September 1995, Bridges and Robert Coles were awarded honorary degrees from Connecticut College and appeared together in public for the first time to accept the awards. Bridges' Through My Eyes won the Carter G. Woodson Book Award in 2000.

What was Ruby Bridges' favorite color? ›

The museum provides virtual museum tours and programs. Learn more about Ruby Bridges and her work by visiting the Ruby Bridges Foundation. Wear purple! It's Ruby's favorite color.

What was Ruby Bridges famous speech? ›

Bridges' speech focused on her first year at the all-white elementary school, and the consequences she saw as a result. She described her innocent perception of what was happening, thinking the angry mobs were a Mardi Gras parade, and that she was the only kid in the school.

What was Ruby Bridges brave? ›

She was the first African American child to desegregate William Frantz Elementary School. At six years old, Ruby's bravery helped pave the way for Civil Rights action in the American South.

What happened to Ruby Bridges when she was 4? ›

When she was four years old, her family moved to New Orleans. Two years later a test was given to the city's African American schoolchildren to determine which students could enter all-white schools. Bridges passed the test and was selected for enrollment at the city's William Frantz Elementary School.

What do Ruby Bridges do today? ›

Today, Bridges is an author, activist, and public speaker. She continues her work helping people learn to be more accepting of others.

What did Ruby Bridges do when she was 6? ›

On November 14, 1960, at the age of six, Ruby became the very first African American child to attend the all-white public William Frantz Elementary School. Ruby and her Mother were escorted by federal marshals to the school.

What did Ruby Bridges do in 1958? ›

Her parents worked as sharecroppers then when she was four they moved to New Orleans in 1958. One year later Ruby began kindergarten at Johnson Lockett Elementary, a segregated school.

How to contact Ruby Bridges? ›

Ruby wants to hear from you!

To connect with the Ruby Bridges Foundation, you can email walktoschoolday@rubybridges.foundation.

What award did Ruby receive in 2001? ›

President Bill Clinton awarded her the Presidential Citizens Medal in 2001.

What is Ruby Bridges 4 sons name? ›

Answer and Explanation:

Following her marriage to Malcolm Hall, Ruby Bridges had four sons. Her sons are named Sean Hall, Christopher Hall, and Craig Hall, as well as a fourth, publicly unnamed son. Bridges son Craig Hall was killed in a street shooting in New Orleans in 2005.

Did Ruby Bridges get married? ›

Ruby graduated from a desegregated high school, became a travel agent, married and had four sons.

What is the ruby bridge quote? ›

Ruby Bridges quote | "Don't follow the path. Go where there is no path and start a trail." -- Ruby Bridges | By WomenTech NetworkFacebook.

What was Ruby Bridges motivation? ›

A lifelong activist for racial equality, in 1999, Ruby established The Ruby Bridges Foundation to promote tolerance and create change through education.

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Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.

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You must never be fearful about what you are doing when it is right.” “Each person must live their life as a model for others.” “I would like to be remembered as a person who wanted to be free…so other people would also be free.” “I knew someone had to take the first step and I made up my mind not to move.”


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