brd epic 1.5 (allak + notes) (2024)

The Quest for the Prismatic Dragon Blade (Bard Epic 1.5)

The information below was copied directly from the reply to main thread for this quest
on Allakhazam's Magical Realm.


I have the Singing Short Sword (Bard Epic 1.0), so I can skip the pre-quest given by Lantaric'Dar.

This is a copied posting. Here are some useful pieces:


I am done; a shadow thiefand Metala von Korach both fell the same day.

- I have added a couple maps after the quest information.
- I have added specific links to Map Fiend and Illia's Bestiary (very good strategies here).

Start in Wakening Lands

Run to near Skyshrine, find Lantaric'Dar (map loc below) and hail him.

You say, 'I know Baldric Slezaf.'
You say, 'what help'

Run to Dragon Necropolis

Pick up 3 dragon bones. (map locs below) Soloable, ground spawns are at:
field 1, open the ground doors, towards goos, pile of bones on the right
field 2, first set of bones towards underground tunnels
underground pasage in bones on right side towards Zland
**correct bones also drop from the constructs

Kill A Mercenary Excavator's until Excavator Quellin spawns. Bring 1 tank, 1 healer, kill him.

Excavator Quellin = hits for 400, summons, slowable, decent hp (map loc below)

Invis and run to field 2, first building on the left, guards not lullable, pull and kill Tarn Maklin, loot a Cracked Bone

Tarn Maklin = hits for 500, summons, slowable, high hp (map loc below)

Back to Wakening Lands

Give the a Cracked Bone to Lantaric, he gives it back.

You have a character flag.
Zoning into DN triggers Hsagra's Shade, zoning out despawns her.



Get you're guild, go to Dragon Necropolis

Everyone move to east side of zone at the Event 1 spot (map loc below) and clean the room of chetari / beetles, don't touch Hsagra's Shade. (map loc below)
Move the raid to the east side of the room.
When ready, you turn in 4 bones to Hsaga and mobs pop. (mob loc's below)
Must fight in the room, or mobs become near unkillable, also, mobs standing near the door can be ignored by keeping distance.

Vesthon Marijakin = hits for 800, unknown life,

Despawns in 3 minutes, casts Venom of Vesthon
x3 a lumbering zombie = hits for 800, 150khp, no summon, off tank them (snare, root)
x4 a mercenary guard = hits for 800, 60khp, no summon **AVOIDABLE**
x3 a Marijakin acolyte = hit for 850, 50khp, no summon, slowable **AVOIDABLE**

bring down Vesthon, but at low hp (about 5%) he gates out, and an Abomination pops
Kill Abomination, loot Blackened Dragon Bones

Abomination = hits ??, summons, slowable, medium hp, no disc needed

***If you arrive in the zone to see the merc's, acolytes and zombies already up and no one there, kill all of them before triggering you're event or you will have double the mobs***


Port to Wakening Lands, turn in the bone to Lantaric'Dar



Port back to Dragon Necropolis while the raid refreshes buffs and moves near Hsagra's Bones (map loc below)

When you zone back in, run to field 2 to trigger Vesthon and 7 mobs. They will be encircling the Bones of Hsagra. (map loc below) avoid agro range.

x3 {humans} (names below) each with 2 Minions NOT mezable
x4 {skeleton}`s lich (names below) each with 2 Minions ARE mezzable
x1 non agro Vesthon Marijakin (see below for info)

{ humans are "Ilishu Julque", "Jalor Silin" and "Malikor Vikthule" -- skeletons are
"Amilia Verisue`s lich", "Locis V`Sek`s lich", "Puella Opalis` lich" and "Xeegarn`s lich" }

Liches are not KOS, but minions are
Must stay near the Hsagra bones, mobs leashed and increase exponentially in power every time they get leashed
Liches/Humans are non agro until 80% health
Minions will auto repop on death, killing the lich depops his minions
When the last lich dies, Vesthon agro's

Vesthon = hits for 800, unknown life, casts Venom of Vesthon curable /w Pureblood and RC
spawns on the ramp nearby, do not touch till the rest are dead.

***this event seems to be glitched, you seem to have to repeat the fight a second time for Vesthon to be up***

When Vesthon dies, the bones animate and spawn The Dracolich of Hsagra (Oshiruk)

Dracolich = lvl 75, unknown hp, 1300 AE ramp, casts Tendrils of Oshiruk Reccomended to range fight it

Kill the Dracolich and loot a Dark Orb.


Back to Wakening Lands

Give the orb to Lantaric, he gives it back.


Run to the Temple of Solusek Ro (off of Lavastorm)

Find Walthin Fireweaver (map loc below)
You say, 'Hail, Walthin Fireweaver'
You say, 'What dragons?'

Get a Faded Scraps of Parchment



the dragons
Drop the Dire to 80% and it will depop and repop as a non KOS dragon. On a fail, the dragon will regen to full, then revert back to the Dire Animal. (map locs below)
Not true, both the Dire and the Dragon can be up at the same time.
Maybe true, there have been two Dire creatures seen at the same location.

A Swamp Dragon = hits for 1800, 320K hp, flurry, enrage, slowable,
*PR* (-300) Targeted AE (Rng 300, AE Rng = 200) = 200DD + 300 Dmg DOT + 18 Poison Counters
2 group encounter (will need Shamans with group spell Blood of Nadox)

A Mountain Dragon = claws for 1900, 320K hp, rampages, enrages, slowable (highly MR)
*Chromatic* (-200) Targeted AE (Rng 300, AE Rng 200) = 3sec Stun + 500DD (w/ PushBack) + 1 slot dispell
3 group encounter

A Plains Dragon = hits for 1300, 320K hp, enrages, slowable (highly MR)
*MR* (-250) Targeted AE (Rng 300, AE Rng 200) = 1500DD (w/ PushBack) + 2 slot dispell
melee dmg ranged fight, 3 - 4 group encounter

A Forest Dragon = hits for 1600, 320K hp, rampages, enrages, no flurry, slowable
*CR* (-250) Targeted AE (Rng 300, AE Rng 200) = 1500DD (w/ Pushback) + 2 slot dispell
3 - 4 group encounter


Go to Bazaar
There are 4 elemental stones, and 4 landscape stones to create. Dragorn Blood is NO DROP off Dragorn's in Omens of War, the 4 landscape crystals are off 4 dragons (see below for more info). Just about everything else can be bought. Combines are done in a Jewelers Kit.

Forage the elemental crystals in Skyfire Mountains. They are not Lore and can be traded.
The diamonds for these require drops from the
Planes of Power.

Earth Dragon Prism = Earth Dragon Crystal + Enchanted Velium Bar + Dragorn Blood + Brown Diamond of Earth
**BDoE = Earth Mephit Blood + Raw Diamond + Spell: Imbue Earth (ench mage)

Fire Dragon Prism = Fire Dragon Crystal + Enchanted Velium Bar + Dragorn Blood + Red Diamond of Fire
**RDoF = Fire Mephit Blood + Raw Diamond + Spell: Imbue Fire (ench mage)

Water Dragon Prism = Ice Dragon Crystal + Enchanted Velium Bar + Dragorn Blood + Aqua Diamond of Water
**ADoW = Water Mephit Blood + Raw Diamond + Spell: Imbue Water (ench mage)

Wind Dragon Prism = Wind Dragon Crystal + Enchanted Velium Bar + Dragorn Blood + Cloudy Diamond of Air
**CDoA = Air Mephit Blood + Raw Diamond + Spell: Imbue Air (ench mage)


Swamp Dragon Prism = Swamp Dragon Crystal (Swamp of no Hope) + Enchanted Velium Bar + Dragorn Blood + Green Diamond of Disease
**GDoD = Bubonian Blood + Raw Diamond + Spell: Imbue Disease (ench necro)

Mountain Dragon Prism = Mountain Dragon Crystal (Stonebrunt) + Enchanted Velium Bar + Dragorn Blood + White Diamond of Justice
**WDoJ = Alkaline Etched Stone + Raw Diamond + Spell: Imbue Justice (ench shm)

Plains Dragon Prism = Plains Dragon Crystal (N.Karana) + Enchanted Velium Bar + Dragorn Blood + Gray Diamond of Storms
**GDoS = Storm Rider Blood + Raw Diamond + Spell: Imbue Storm (ench druid)

Forest Dragon Prism = Forest Dragon Crystal (Jagged Pine) + Enchanted Velium Bar + Dragorn Blood + Yellow Diamond of Valor
**YDoV = Metallic Liquid + Raw Diamond + Spell: Imbue Valor (ench cleric)


Create all 8 Prisms
Return to the Temple of Solusek Ro

Hand in all 8 prisms (1 at a time) to Walthin (you get them all back)

you have another character flag.



Go to Kithicor Forest with 2 groups, must have a mezzer other than the bard (second bard works too)

Zoning in triggers a cloaked figure to spawn. he walks west along the main path. He cannot be pulled, move to the Y intersection south of Rivervale and wait for him. (map loc below) Bard must hail when he gets close to trigger event.

a cloaked figure despawns, wait and 4 malignant shadow pop from N-S-E-W of the bard. Lock 3, kill the 4th.
**bard MUST get killing blow** (not true) rinse repeat until a shadow thief spawns.
a shadow thief will pop from the corpse, at the same time, the 4th a cloaked figure will repop. mez the 4th, kill the thief

a shadow thief = max hit for 2100ish, high hp, slowable, AE fear's once at 30% unknown resist

loot a Crest of Rizlona, and a Note from Metala.
put all 8 Prisms in the Crest and combine to create a Draconic Prism.

Run to South Karana

Go to Vhalen Nostrolo (map loc below) give the note to Vhalen, recieve Vhalen's Necklace.



Go to the Plane of Torment
Guild event, plow to "a bruised woman." 3rd building to the right. (map loc below) clear the room and put you're casters behind the wall.
**SNEAK to do the turn in or you lose everything** (known game bug[?]) Give her the necklace (necklace is returned to you on turn in if sneaking, otherwise she eats it)

Metala Von Korach spawns (enormous hairy beast), kill her

Metala = hits for ??, high hp, slowable, flurry, enrages, casts AE Silence recasts every 17ish seconds

loot Rusted Bile Etched Blade, 2-slot container. Put the Draconic Prism in it and combine to craft the Prismatic Dragon Blade


Prismatic Dragon Blade
Lore Group: Epic Weapons
Charges: Unlimited
Skill: Piercing Atk Delay: 22
All Instrument Types: 22
DMG: 24 Dmg Bonus: 15 AC: 25
DEX: +20 STA: +30 CHA: +25 INT: +20 HP: +205 MANA: +190
Stun Resist +5%
Required level of 65.
Effect: Kinsong (Any Slot/Can Equip, Casting Time 0.8)
Recast Delay: 6 minutes, Recast Type: 6
WT: 1.4 Size: MEDIUM
Class: BRD
Slot 1, type 4 (Weapon: General)
Slot 2, type 8 (General: Raid)

Effect: Kinsong
9: Spell Crit Chance(8)
10: Critical DoT(8)
12: Increase Accuracy by 130%
Spell Type: Beneficial [Triggered]
Target Type: Group v2
Duration: 1 minute



Outside Reference Links
AntonicaTemple of Solusek Ro@(35) Walthin Fireweaver
Jaggedpine Forest
@(65) a dire kodiak
(69) a forest dragon
Northern Plains of Karana
@(65) a dire griffon
(68) a plains dragon
Southern Plains of Karana@(31) Vhalen Nostromo--
Kithicor Forest@(65) a cloaked figure
(65) a malignant shadow
(69) a shadow thief
OdusStonebrunt Mountains@(65) a dire panda
(68) a mountain dragon
KunarkSwamp of No Hope@(65) a dire leech
(68) a swamp dragon
VeliousThe Wakening Land@(70) Lanteric`Dar
Dragon Necropolis@(61) Excavator Quellin
(63) Tarn Maklin(75) Hsagra's Shade
(70) a lumbering zombie - troll
(61?) a mercenary guard - erudite
(70?) a Marijakin acolyte - erudite
(75) Vesthon Marijakin
(75) Vesthons Draconic Abomination(73) {human} -123
(73) {skeleton}'s lich -1234
(75) Vesthon Marijakin
(75) The Dracholich of Hsagra - Boss
PowerTorment, Plane of Pain@(70) a bruised woman
(70) Metala Von Korach - Boss


Map Locs
copy paste them directly onto the bottom of the correct map in you're directory.

P -3942.1809, -397.1698, 23.3770,0, 127, 127,3,Lantaric'Dar

P 1596.7262, 195.7132, -259.9041,0, 127, 0,2,ground_spawn
P -1028.1434, -1576.5955, -139.9355,0, 127, 0,2,ground_spawn
P 624.9198, -908.6997, 0.0020,0, 127, 0,2,ground_spawn
P 529.6364, -1516.9924, 5.0020,0, 127, 0,2,Tarn_Maklin
P 1298.0222, -1230.7777, 0.0020,0, 127, 127,3,Hsagra's_Bones
P 2707.8027, 276.6664, 10.0020,0, 127, 127,3,Hsagra's_Shade
P 2853.5598, -59.3820, 10.0020,0, 127, 127,3,Event_1
P 2478.6130, 19.5187, 10.0020,0, 127, 127,3,Guards_&_Acolytes
P -1013.3035, -494.1427, 0.0020,0, 127, 127,3,Mercenaries
P -1644.6467, -223.1227, 0.0020,0, 127, 127,3,Mercenaries

P 52.7246, -430.5344, 0.0020,0, 127, 127,3,Walthin

P 1899.8712, -603.6262, -5.5714,0, 127, 127,3,Dire_Leech

P 1741.0139, 551.0660, 622.3842,0, 127, 0,3,Dire_Panda

P -1151.0784, -1303.3295, -3.5354,0, 127, 127,3,Dire_Griffon

P 1009.9337, 1628.8359, -19.3563,0, 127, 0,3,Dire_Kodiak

P -3231.8538, -910.2607, 380.0140,0, 127, 0,3,cloaked_figure

P 120.0843, 54.1020, -3.7792,0, 127, 0,3,Vhalen

P -844.8188, -219.9215, 0.0052,0, 127, 0,3,bruised_woman

Any finishing touches info to this guide is appreciated.

This guide was made through the efforts of Agony Guild on Vazaelle, special thanks to Raphalon and Mellowdey for some pretty invaluable info at key times. Thanks guys.

Wyrmkin Vree Nils'Hansen -=Agony=-

brd epic 1.5 (allak + notes) (1)
Marked copy of Mapfiend's Dragon Necropolis

brd epic 1.5 (allak + notes) (2)
Marked segment of Torment, Plane of Pain

brd epic 1.5 (allak + notes) (2024)


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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

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