Home Assistant Wyze (The Full Guide) - Robodens.com (2024)

Home Assistant Wyze (The Full Guide) - Robodens.com (1)

If you have the Wyze Cam, one thing you will want to do is set it up on your Home Assistant.

In this Guide I will be going over whether the Wyze Cam will work on the Home Assistant and if so how to set the Wyze Cam to your Home Assistant. Note, that information on how to set up your Wyze Cam to Home assistant is limited and complicated.

This will require you to install a Docker Wyze Bridge. You can install the Docker Wyze Bridge as an add-on to your Home Assistant by going to Github.com.

Will Wyze Work with Home Assistant?

Table of Contents

Yes, however, Wyze encourages the users to use their ecosystem, which makes setting up your Wyze Cam to Home Assistant difficult. Setting up the Wyze Cam to Home Assistant is not impossible, though, if you are not familiar with Wyze Cam or Home Assistant you may run into some issues.

You will have to install the Docker Wyze Bridge for this to work along with doing a configuration to your Home Assistant. If not done right you will have to keep doing it until every step is done correctly.

At some parts, you may have to do a restart on the Docker Wyze Bridge and restart the process from the beginning. There are some things that you will need before starting, you will need to know your account information for the Wyze Cam, I also would recommend you download the Wyze app.

With the limited information that I could find setting up your Wyze Cam to your Home Assistant has a few steps that need to be followed correctly, there could come a point where you need to configure the Docker Wyze Bridge a few times and possibly restart the whole add on.

I will be going over the little information I was able to find on how to set up your Wyze Cam with your Home Assistant. Before you do this make sure you are confident and know at least the basics of your Wyze Cam on your Home Assistant.

When doing this you will be required to do installing, configuring, and possibly restarting, if you think you can do this then this should be easy for you.

How to Setup Wyze Cam on Home Assistant

With the limited information, there is one thing that you will need to do when you are setting up your Wyze Cam on your Home Assistant is installing the Docker Wyze Bridge (I have provided steps on how to do this below). Having the Docker Wyze Bridge allows you to set up your Wyze Cam on your Home Assistant without having to install a third party or firmware.

Having the Docker Wyze Bridge also allows you to stream directly from your camera without subscriptions or without additional bandwidth.

When you install the Docker Wyze Bridge on your Home Assistant and once you get it configured you will be able to set the Wyze Cam to your Home Assistant. Note, this can become difficult because if these steps are not followed correctly or if this information is off a bit this will not work unless done correctly.

Note, If you need a visual aid for setting up your Wyze Cam on your Home Assistant there are some YouTube videos that will show you how to do this step by step.

1. Install the Docker Wyze Bridge and Configure

To Install the Docker Wyze Bridge you will need to go to Github.com, once you are on that website scroll down into you see a blue box that says “add repository”. You will install the Docker Wyze Bridge as an add-on to your Home Assistant.

When you have installed the Docker Wyze Bridge you will need to put in your Wyze account email and password into the configuration tab before you start the container.

With that being said when you have opened the respiratory in your Home Assistant and added the Docker Wyze Bridge as an add-on, do not start it yet.

Before you start it up, click the “Configure” tab, and add the Wyze account email and password. You will want to leave everything else as default.

2. Set Up the RSTP (Real Time Streaming Protocol)

When adding and configuring your Docker Wyze Bridge to your Home Assistant you may have to set up the “RSTP Read Timeout”. The RSTP (Real Time Streaming Protocol) Read TImeout, is the time that is allowed to drop offline before the integration considers your Wyze Cam unavailable.

This will come in handy if you have a Wyze Cam with a weak connection, you can set the time for a few seconds to avoid losing your camera feed.

3. Begin Process

Now that you have added the Docker Wyze Bridge to your Home Assistant as an add-on, you have configured it, and set your RTSP to your preference. You will now want to start it up, go into your “Info” tab, and once in there you will click on the “Start” tab.

After you have clicked the start you will want to go into your “Overview” page. You will see that your videos are still, do not worry this is normal.

4. Find Your Camera Steaming Names

You will now want to go back into your Docker Wyze Bridge add-on. Once you are in the Docker Wyze Bridge add-on, you will see a “Log” tab. Click on the “Log” tab to see your “Camera Stream Names”. Note, If you do not see the “Camera Streaming Names” you may need to restart the add-on.

Do keep in mind that the names you will see displayed are not the same names that you set them as in the Wyze app. The names will also appear different than when you set them in the router. There is a way you can look them up so there is no confusion. Just go into the “Log” tab in your Docker Wyze Bridge add-on.

5. 2FA (Two Factor Authentication) if You Have it Enabled on Your Wyze Account

Another thing to add is if you have a 2FA (Two Factor Authentication) enabled on your Wyze account you will need to enter the verification code when you log in. Beginning with v1.8.7, visiting the WebUI should give you a form where you can enter the Two Factor Authentication code.

With that being said you can also add the verification code to the text file: /config/wyze-bridge/mfa_token.txt.

6. When You Have an Automated 2FA (Two Factor Authentication)

This is also known as the Time-based One Time Password (TOTP). When and if you are using the Time-based One Time Password, the bridge can generate and enter the verification when needed.

You can do this by setting “TOTP_Key” to your shared “secret key”. This is provided when you are in the Wyze app when you are setting up your Time-based One Time Password.

Once you have installed the Docker Wyze Bridge as an add-on to your Home Assistant and did a configuration and logged into your Wyze account you should be all set.

If these steps are not working, restart the Docker Wyze Bridge and see if that fixes the issue. You may have to configure it a few times to get it to work.

Another thing to consider is that make sure you follow the steps like configuring the Docker Wyze Bridge before you start the Home Assistant.

Since the Wyze encourages its users to use their ecosystem the only way you can set up your Wyze Cam is to install the Docker Wyze Bridge as an add-on to your Home Assistant.

Follow the steps to get you set up, this may be harder for those who are not familiar with either the Wyze Cam, the Docker Wyze Bridge, or Home Assistant.

If you need a visual aid there are some YouTube videos out there that will go over this process step by step and will show you how it is done.

Also, remember that the information on this process is limited and based on what I could find these are the best steps to take when you are setting up your Wyze Cam to your Home Assistant.

Home Assistant Wyze (The Full Guide) - Robodens.com (2024)


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